LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph

LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph
LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph
LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph
LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph

LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph

Child Labor at the Cotton MFG Co. This image portrays Cora Lee Griffin(fourth from left), featured in other Hine images from his renowned Child Labor series.

LEWIS HINE Cotton Child Labor Whitnel, N. C. 1908 Vintage Silver Print Photograph

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