Arm Around Young Man Tintype c1870 Affectionate Gay Int 1/6 Plate Photo A3409

Arm Around Young Man Tintype c1870 Affectionate Gay Int 1/6 Plate Photo A3409
Arm Around Young Man Tintype c1870 Affectionate Gay Int 1/6 Plate Photo A3409

Arm Around Young Man Tintype c1870 Affectionate Gay Int 1/6 Plate Photo A3409

This is a tintype, also known as a melainotype or ferrotype; a photograph printed on a thin piece of metal that had been coated with lacquer or enamel. They were most popular during the 1860s and 1870s.

This is known as a 1/6 plate tintype, since it measures about 2.5 x 3.5 inches.

Arm Around Young Man Tintype c1870 Affectionate Gay Int 1/6 Plate Photo A3409

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