This is a fantastic resource on the African American Prince Hall Masonic organization of California. With dozens of photographic images and detailed sketches of lodges throughout the state, the book provides a rich history of the group.
Prince Hall founded his African Lodge No. 459 in Massachusetts in 1784, and per this book, "Every Prince Hall Lodge in America is the property" of that Lodge.
The Grand Lodge of California was established in 1855, and this book was compiled to celebrate its centennial year. An eight-page chronicle includes the text of the Lodge's first constitution, there are quotes from addresses of leaders past and lists of elected officers from all 100 years. Brief sketches and photographic images reveal the group's leaders, past and present, as well as its youth athletic program, various halls and temples, and the inner workings of its official publication, the Prince Hall Masonic Digest. There is a chart showing numbers of lodges and members by decade, followed by interesting histories of 75 subordinate lodges throughout the state, nearly all of which include at least one image of a master officer. The book also holds "congratulatory greetings from foreign jurisdictions" including Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey and Virginia, as well as images of the proud Centennial Committee responsible for this thorough and impressive work.
An uncommon and useful history of a noted African American Masonic group in California. OCLC shows seven institutions with holdings. Subject: African Americana, California, Fraternal Organizations. This item is offered by Langdon Manor Books, LLC, antiquarian booksellers.
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